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Essential Oils

Our olfactory sense is perhaps our most primitive, capable of eliciting vivid memories from the cobwebbed recesses of our overstuffed brains:  the strikingly identifiable scent of a grandparent's basement, a familiar food from a traditional holiday meal, the subtle scent of snow on the way, the wildly intoxicating Call of Spring on the exploding petals of hyacinths.   Scents can evoke a complex range of emotions and states of being:  from revulsion to ecstasy.  In a word, scents carry their own distinct frequencies, and just like sound, color, and thought/attitude, can be a very powerful form of Vibrational healing. 


As a Touch and Energy practitioner, and a hedonist at heart, I have been very picky about the quality of the essential oils I have used over twenty years of practice.  I only use the purest base oils and lotions, and choose my essential oils from small-scale, clean, organic and wildcrafted sources:  producers who take painstaking pride in the quality of their products, and who deeply revere the Earth.  

Each oil carries its own unique signature:  Lemon oil is uplifting to the spirit, and may be cleansing to the liver.   Peppermint is invigorating and clarifying to the mind, soothing to tired feet.   Rosemary is warming and encourages circulation in the legs.  Lavender soothes the nervous system, supporting healthful sleep and a more peaceful heart.   

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